Dr. Franklyn Shi Chen
Dr. Ac, Dr. TCM, PhD, Dr. NM
Co-Founder and Chairman
Dr. Chen is the Chairman of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, medical expert at S-T Natural Medicine Centre, president of the Acupuncture and Naturopathy Association of Nova Scotia since 1993. He also serves as vice-chairman of the specialty committee of Trocar of world Federation of Chinese Medicine societies, Director of the specialty committee of medicated diet and diet-therapy of WFCMS. Chairmen of International Traditional Chinese Medicine for Mental Health Society,
Dr. Chen is proficient in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western Naturopathic Medicine, and he is frequently interviewed and invited as a guest speaker on Canadian TV programs and newspapers to promote the culture of Chinese medicine to local community.
Dr. Chen was born into a medical family. He studied medicine from his grandfather since he was a child, and he followed the famous acupuncture Master Prof. Zhang Jin as his mentor. Dr. Chen holds a Canadian master’s degree and Natural medicine degree. Dr. Chen received the Ph.D. in Acupuncture from Heilongjiang University of Chinese medicine, China.
He is the founder of the Canadian College of Natural Medicine in 1998 and has trained students all across the Canada. In 2008, Dr. Chen and Dr. Diana Li decided to change the college’s name as the Canadian College of Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. The major education is focused on acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Dr. Chen and Dr. Li co-authored several English-language TCM textbooks for students.
Over the past 30 years in Canada, Dr. Chen devoted himself to studying various effective natural therapies and traditional Chinese medicine, and has published many papers at the International Natural Medicine and World Acupuncture Conferences. Dr. Chen spent over 30 years in research and treatment of multiple chemical sensitivity disease and become an expert in this field. Dr. Chen has devoted himself to the practice of natural therapies and traditional Chinese medicine to treat modern multiple chemical hypersensitivities, and authored a 100,000-words book chapter that fills a gap in Chinese medicine and acupuncture on this subject. Dr. Chen has received numerous awards from Canadian provincial governors and city mayors for his contribution and achievements of promoting Chinese Medicine culture.
陈实成博士精通古老中医和西方自然医学疗法,经常接受加拿大电视台和报社记者采访,传播中医文化。陈实成博士出生于医学世家,从小跟随他祖父学医, 陈实成博士拥有加拿大成人教育硕士学位和自然医学学习证书,以及中国黑龙江中医药大学针灸推拿学医学博士学位, 这些独特教育背景及对中医,自然医学和教育深度的了解和研究,为陈实成博士创立加拿大针灸中医学院打下了坚实的基础。
陈实成博士于1998年创办加拿大自然医学学院,培养学生遍布加拿大, 2008年加拿大自然医学学院改名为加拿大针灸中医学院(CCATCM), 加拿大针灸中医学院专注于中医与针灸的教育,至今己培养了众多的优秀的合格的针灸师服务于加拿大、美国及其他国家。
陈实成博士与李彤博士一起编辑和出版了一系列英文中医教科书:中医基础学,李-陈点穴按摩放松, 李-陈点穴治疗痛症, 李-陈点穴经络按摩,供学生们更好地学习中医。
在加拿大30年多,陈实成博士专心致志研究西方各种有效自然疗法和中医,在国际自然医学和世界针联会议上多次发表论文, 陈实成博士一直潜心钻研采用自然疗法和中医治疗现代多元性化学敏感症,书写10多万字的著作,此研究成果填补了中医和针灸在此课题上的空白.陈实成博士在加拿大为发扬中医文化奋斗了三十多年,多次受到加拿大省督和市长的颁奖。