Dr. Diana Tong Li
Dr. AC, Dr. TCM, PhD, Dr. NM, MD
President of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM)
Dr. Diana Tong Li is the founder and president of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM), the vice president of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC), and the president of the Nova Scotia chapter of CMAAC. Dr. Diana Tong Li is an executive committee member of the World Federation of the Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), the vice chairman of Psychosomatic Medicine Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Societies (WFCMS). Vice President of Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges of Canada. President of International Traditional Chinese Medicine for Mental Health Society, President of World Cosmetic Acupuncture association
Dr. Diana Tong Li’s medical training started in 1980 at the young age of 16 when she was enrolled in Guiyang Traditional Chinese Medicine College. By 1985, she had obtained her bachelor’s degree in medicine. For the next two years, Dr. Li worked at the Second People Hospital (HuQiong hospital) in Shenzhen, where she helped build their first Acupuncture and Moxibustion department. In 1987, she moved on to pursue her master’s degree at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Finally, Dr. Li received her PhD in Acupuncture and TCM from the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine.
Together with Dr. Franklyn Chen, Dr. Li established her first career college, Canadian College of Natural Medicine (CCNM), in 1998. CCNM focused on offering diplomas in Chinese Acupressure massage and Swedish massage therapy. In 2008, CCNM changed its name to Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM). CCATCM is a government approved career college purely focused on promoting Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Its purpose is to train more qualified practitioners of acupuncture and TCM to face the increased demand within the rapidly growing industry. To date, CCATCM has trained hundreds of qualified Acupuncture practitioners who practice in Canada, USA, and other countries.
Dr. Li has also worked with Dr. Franklyn Chen to publish several specialized English textbooks, including Traditional Chinese Medicine Foundations, Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Massage for Relaxation and Health, Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Massage Treating Pain Conditions, Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Meridian Massage, and Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Massage Treating Common Illness.
Dr. Li is well-respected in the local medical community for her passion and success in establishing the first clinic dedicated to acupuncture and TCM in Atlantic Canada. She has helped thousands of patients with a broad array of conditions. As a result of her more than 30-year history of conception, healing, and success in Canada, Dr. Li is an established expert on acupuncture and TCM and is frequently sought-after for interviews. With her public education and efforts, despite her busy schedule, Dr. Li often dedicates herself to a variety of media organizations, such as CBC, ATV, The Chronicle Herald, Chatelaine, and Global News. Dr. Li’s expertise has led to the publishing of many clinical research papers on the topics of acupuncture and TCM, treatment of pain, addiction, mental health conditions, and more.
在1998年李彤博士与陈实成博士一起创始是加拿大自然医学学院,此学院在2008年改名为加拿大针灸中医学院, 加拿大针灸中医学院专注于中医与针灸的教育,至今己培养了众多的优秀的合格的针灸师服务于加拿大、美国及其他国家。
李彤博士与陈实成博士一起编辑和出版了一系列英文书籍包括:中医基础学,李-陈点穴按摩放松, 李-陈点穴治疗痛症, 李-陈点穴经络按摩,供学生们更好地学习中医。